Hi Aargh-Go-Nauts!!!
We have some wonderful information regarding special offers for hotels during our upcoming events. Please consider booking with Kemah Boardwalk Inn as they so graciously accommodate all of our shenanigans!!!
Thank you!
Charlotte Brookover
Membership Director
Krewe du Lac-Kemah
With your upcoming events, we will be glad to offer special rates like we have in the past.
For December 8th, we can offer king beds only at a rate of $209. We are already limited on availability for this date. For January 26th, we can offer rates of $169 for Kings and $189 for double queen beds. Your guests can call the hotel direct at 281-334-9880 and ask to book a room under
the "Krewe du Lac special rate for December 8th or January 26th".
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Robert Gregory
General Manager
Kemah Boardwalk Inn
8 Kemah Waterfront
Kemah, TX 77565
Office: 281-334-9880
Email: rgregory@dry.com